Running at night

Running…to the place where streetlights give way to night sky, dark bowl with milky clouds, lights of a nearby city glowing orange on the horizon, Orion’s belt twinkling like a smile. Shadowed furrows of a field on my left waiting for crops, for spring’s warmth. Outstretched arms of dark walnut trees to my right, a mile row of them, magpies and crows settled into the upper reaches, squirrels nestled down in warm hollows.

I see them in the morning along this path, darting from tree to tree, the occasional squirrel not vigilant or fast enough to elude the tires of a speeding bicycle. But for now, only this, the dirt rows, skeleton limbs, night air fresh from the day’s rain and a sailor’s sky above, guiding me through the dark.

Sometimes a run is just a run and sometimes it is salvation. When do you most enjoy running (or walking) and where?

Author: TJ

adventurer, writer, photographer

4 thoughts on “Running at night”

  1. Nice post! Walks are more my style and are very much a Salvation to sanity . Just that 15 to 20 minutes along the walking trail above The Bath Row here in Hot Springs, is always a beautiful site.


  2. what a breathtaking and beautiful post, tj.
    there’s something about getting out past the streetlights, for me, that makes my senses come alive. and, when escaping the city isn’t possible (as it so often isn’t these days), a long hike in the woods usually hits the spot.

    but a long walk at night…that’s my favorite.


  3. What vibrant words. And a reminder that I’ve been cooped up at my computer for too long today! I long for warmer days so that I can return to outdoor activities and feel the warmth of the sun again. It is time.


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